In 2024, Kambria plans to build a Model DAO to showcase what we have been developing, with the goal for this DAO to enter the commercialization phase in 2024 where KAT’s roles are enacted in DAO transactions. In the Model DAO, besides playing the role of Organizer,...
As per the financial framework of Kambria DAOs, the investment or expense budget will be used for: 65% for R&D and Production by Dev Partner, Judge Committee and Production Partners 20% for Sales and Marketing by Channel Partner, Service Partner and Community...
Kambria DAOs are running on XDAO (a 3rd party platform for DAO builder and management). And we develop smart contracts to integrate to XDAO to tailor the designs of the Kambria DAOs model and enable transparency in DAO...
Kambria as Organizer is in charge of operations to architect the DAO model, develop smart contracts, enroll partners, organize DAO activities, raise funds etc. As DAO is a decentralized organization, all works in Kambria DAOs are done through partnerships, such as:...
Kambria DAOs is currently the main initiative of Kambria. It is a model for the community to co-own a technology. In a nutshell, if you are interested in co-owning a technology, you can join the DAO of that solution to decide and contribute to the development and...